Friday, May 25, 2007

Murphy AWOL on Critical Lobbying Reform Bill

For the second time this week Congressman Murphy reversed course on ethics and lobbying reform.

Murphy missed the vote on the Lobbying Transparency Act (HR2317), a bill to force disclosure of the "bundled" contributions lobbyists collect and then give to ...Congressman campaigning for re-election… and other federal candidates.

On May 16, The Polico ran an article regarding lobbying reform and reported the following: "Christopher Murphy, a freshman from Connecticut, said failure to deliver on their campaign promises to clean up Congress would be damaging now and in next year's election. He was one of a half-dozen freshmen to speak on the topic.

"Whether or not we clean up Congress might be the defining issue in my race," Murphy said afterward. "The Republicans are getting more like the Democrats on the big issues. What's going to be left is whether or not people feel Washington has changed."


May 16, 2007: Murphy again talks about reform and it being the defining issue.
May 21, 2007 Murphy speaks at a public event in his home district about ethics reform.
May 22, 2007 Murphy votes against ethics legislation to cover up for a fellow dem
May 24, 2007 Murphy is AWOL on the critical Lobbying Reform legislation he called "..defining issue.."

Chris Murphy is clearly suffering from DC-POL schizophrenia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the guy is that stupid?