Wednesday, May 23, 2007

In less than 48 hours Chris Murphy does 180 on Ethics

Stuck in the swamp

On Monday, Chris Murphy stood before an audience of business leaders in his home district and spoke about the urgency of congressional ethics reform – he spoke passionately about the issue as if it were his sole cause.

On Tuesday it was reported in Meddill Reports Washington that Mr. Murphy stated:

“We are not yet a part of this swamp, and we hope never to be,” speaking of his fellow freshmen. “We were collectively worrying that the ethics reform movement was stalled,” he said, so the freshmen thought, “‘wouldn’t it be powerful if the first issue that we spoke as a group on was ethics reform?’”

On Wednesday Chris Murphy voted to cover up fellow Democrat Representative John Murtha’s ethics violation and shield him from an official reprimand.

The Wall Street Journal laid out the vote’s significance this way: “Democrats now have a choice, which is to go along with the public reprimand for a visible leader or go soft on one of their signature campaign promises.” (Editorial, 5/22/07)

Chris Murphy chose to break his promise – one he made just a day before.

If you thought Mr. Murphy’s comparison of congress to a swamp sounded familiar:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We told the American people that Democrats would ‘drain the swamp’ and change the way business is done in Washington.” (Release, 5/17/07)

Pelosi and Murphy are phony and cannot be trusted.

1 comment:

Headless Horseman said...

"drain the swamp"... ha ha ha... Looks like the drain is plugged with a large and foul sample of excreta... namely Chris Murphy.