Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chris Murphy Sells Out – Real Trouble for Freshman

Chooses “K” Street over Inner City School on Historic Day.

On the 145th anniversary of slavery being outlawed in US Territories and on the 43rd anniversary on the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, June 19,2007, Congressman Murphy will not rejoice with children in Danbury or Waterbury or New Britain.

Chris “Ethics” Murphy will instead celebrate these American achievements by privately meeting with high ranking attorneys, with business before congress and deep pockets, from the law firm of Kirkpatrick&Lockhart,Preston,Gates,Ellis LLP on “K” Street, in the heart of Jack Abramoff country.

Rather than cleaning up Congress, as Murphy claimed he would, he has quickly become part of the deal cutting, quid pro quo culture of Washington DC.

What’s worse, rumors suggest that Murphy’s vote to cover up ethically challenged fellow legislator Jack Murtha may have served as the catalyst for organizing the event for Murphy.

According to the Federal Election Commission, the law firm’s political action committee has donated thousands of dollars to Murtha’s campaigns and its employees and clients likely have donated thousands more.

The law firm, known to Washington insiders as K&L Gates, is comprised of approximately 1,400 lawyers. According to their own web site, K&L Gates’ main practice areas consist of Bankruptcy/Insolvency, Betting & Gaming, Class Action Litigation Defense, Energy & Utilities, Executive Compensation, Government Contracts & Procurement Policy, Health Care, Hedge Funds and Venture Funds, Media and Entertainment, White Collar Crime/Criminal Defense.

It appears that Mr. Murphy has some explaining to do

Murphy Should Demand Oldaker Resignation

more of the same from freshman democrats

According to the Washington Times: The class of 41 freshman House Democrats has selected a registered lobbyist to form its political action committee, in what ethics watchdogs and Republicans are calling a contradiction of their promise to end a "culture of corruption" in Washington.

The custodian of the Democratic Freshmen PAC is William C. Oldaker, 65, whose most-recent lobbying clients include the oil industry, the tobacco lobby, pharmaceutical industries and American Indian gambling interests. Mr. Oldaker also has been removed from several Democratic PACs over conflict-of-interest concerns.

...some campaign-finance watchdogs say the connection shows the new Democratic majority is not pursuing ethics reform as forcefully as promised on the campaign trail.

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ken Spain said that "it didn't take this group of freshmen Democrats long to figure out how to play the Washington game of special interest politics." "It appears that fighting corruption in Congress was nothing more than a campaign slogan to newly elected Democrats," he said.

Congressman Chris Murphy just a week ago: "Whether or not we clean up Congress might be the defining issue in my race."

Mr. Murphy Keep your word and Demand the resignation of Mr Oldaker Today.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Murphy AWOL on Critical Lobbying Reform Bill

For the second time this week Congressman Murphy reversed course on ethics and lobbying reform.

Murphy missed the vote on the Lobbying Transparency Act (HR2317), a bill to force disclosure of the "bundled" contributions lobbyists collect and then give to ...Congressman campaigning for re-election… and other federal candidates.

On May 16, The Polico ran an article regarding lobbying reform and reported the following: "Christopher Murphy, a freshman from Connecticut, said failure to deliver on their campaign promises to clean up Congress would be damaging now and in next year's election. He was one of a half-dozen freshmen to speak on the topic.

"Whether or not we clean up Congress might be the defining issue in my race," Murphy said afterward. "The Republicans are getting more like the Democrats on the big issues. What's going to be left is whether or not people feel Washington has changed."


May 16, 2007: Murphy again talks about reform and it being the defining issue.
May 21, 2007 Murphy speaks at a public event in his home district about ethics reform.
May 22, 2007 Murphy votes against ethics legislation to cover up for a fellow dem
May 24, 2007 Murphy is AWOL on the critical Lobbying Reform legislation he called "..defining issue.."

Chris Murphy is clearly suffering from DC-POL schizophrenia

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Murphy's Ethics Reform Talk A Mirage

Congressman Spits Bit on Ethics

HARTFORD – It seems Chris Murphy can’t keep his story straight, and he’s only been in Congress for four and half months. Yesterday he voted to allow a bully to get his way and push back the “new ethics” he promoted a week ago in Danbury.

Murphy was quoted in Danbury News Times 1 telling his fellow lawmakers to “get ethical”. But then when he went to Washington this week, he buckled under the heavy pressure of the Democratic Leadership and voted the party line to cover up an egregious ethics violation by Congressman John “Abscam” Murtha, a senior House Democrat.

“Plain and simple: Murphy has spit the bit on ethics,” said Chairman Chris Healy of Mr. Murphy’s actions. “Barely a week ago Chris Murphy was putting his name in the newspaper telling lawmakers to “get ethical” – then he went to Washington and voted to protect Murtha from punishment after Murtha’s blatant violation of House ethics rules”.
In addition, the National Republican Congressional Committee has released this video.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

In less than 48 hours Chris Murphy does 180 on Ethics

Stuck in the swamp

On Monday, Chris Murphy stood before an audience of business leaders in his home district and spoke about the urgency of congressional ethics reform – he spoke passionately about the issue as if it were his sole cause.

On Tuesday it was reported in Meddill Reports Washington that Mr. Murphy stated:

“We are not yet a part of this swamp, and we hope never to be,” speaking of his fellow freshmen. “We were collectively worrying that the ethics reform movement was stalled,” he said, so the freshmen thought, “‘wouldn’t it be powerful if the first issue that we spoke as a group on was ethics reform?’”

On Wednesday Chris Murphy voted to cover up fellow Democrat Representative John Murtha’s ethics violation and shield him from an official reprimand.

The Wall Street Journal laid out the vote’s significance this way: “Democrats now have a choice, which is to go along with the public reprimand for a visible leader or go soft on one of their signature campaign promises.” (Editorial, 5/22/07)

Chris Murphy chose to break his promise – one he made just a day before.

If you thought Mr. Murphy’s comparison of congress to a swamp sounded familiar:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We told the American people that Democrats would ‘drain the swamp’ and change the way business is done in Washington.” (Release, 5/17/07)

Pelosi and Murphy are phony and cannot be trusted.

Friday, May 11, 2007

CQ Shows NRCC Pushing Cappiello

In a recent article of Congressional Quarterly, the National Republican Congressional Committee's spokesman Ken Spain called State Senator David Cappiello a "proven vote-getter"

The article suggests that the GOP is lining up behind Cappiello early and that the toughest race for CT democrats to hold could be Murphy's seat.

Again, the balance of Congress could hinge on the potential matchup of David Cappiello and Chris Murphy.

The honest fiscal conservative from Danbury vs. the split mouthed liberal from Washington.

Pelosi Congress Despised as much as Bush

According to the Associated Press:

"People think the Democratic-led Congress is doing just as dreary a job as President Bush, following four months of bitter political standoffs that have seen little progress on Iraq and a host of domestic issues."

This does not bode well for Chris Murphy and Joe Courtney both Pelosi-Democrats.